Angelique is frozen in good. We have had quite a cold snap lately with more snow, and ice build up at the head of the harbor. It looks like winter around here!
Guests that sail aboard Angelique often ask “what do you do in the winter”? Well today....with the new snowfall of light dry powder.... I thought an early morning ski tour to catch the sunrise over the bay and Isle au Haut would be a good thing. Office work and chores can wait a bit. The Camden Hills are a beautiful sight in the summer as we sail the coast. In winter the hills take on another dimension, one seeped in ski history.
Mt. Megunticook, the 2nd tallest point on the east coast of the US, once had a world class ski trail from the summit, back in the day before ski lifts. Skiers sporting wool knickers, wooden skis, leather boots and bamboo poles raced from the summit. Nearby Camden Snowbowl in fact is one of the oldest ski areas in the country, 1936 was the year that the Snowbowl first opened. Local skiers wanted to develop an ski area with a rope tow (a new invention) and thought nearby Ragged Mt. was a good choice. Good ski touring can be found today throughout the Camden Hills on the many trails.
“Dawn patrol” this morning brought 5 degree temperatures and squeaky snow underfoot. The skiing was as good as the views. What a treat to see the sunrise over the bay! It won’t be long before Angelique and crew will be “out there” romping around. Hope you can join us!