Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Cover Is Off!

Angelique has the cover off! Now we can get a lot more work done which we couldn’t do with the cover on. The crew has been busily prepping and painting the topsides green, and the waist and bowsprit cream; they’ve been varnishing the rails and other bright work on board! The spars (booms and gaffs) are now off the deck and hung in their proper place, and some other rigging was done.

Now that the cover is off, the crew and Angelique are truly more weather sensitive, they are both at the mercy of Mother Nature! On the rainy days, Sarah and Maggie worked at the shop painting Cappy, the seine boat, and they finished up other shop paint jobs like the ice chest and oars.

Stephen, Will and Andrew took to painting and varnishing below Angelique’s decks … they also went below the floorboards to paint and clean the bilges. They deserve a special treat for that!

Seasoned sailing guests and engineers Scott and Rick came up from New Hampshire to help out for a few days, a tradition for quite a few years now. What better place for a couple of engineers to come and tinker! Scott and Rick overhauled many of Angelique's blocks, and they cleaned and greased the pins and reattached copper plates for the keeper pin. They also fixed a couple of fresh water plumbing challenges that presented themselves at the end of the season. The fresh water system has been energized and there are no leaks! Thanks for all your help Rick and Scott!

And people ask what we do when we’re not sailing ...

Unwrapped for the season!

Andrew and Sarah removing the framing.

Scott and Rick checking the windlass.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trivia Question!

Question: In the above picture, Obie bears a plaque that says “T/T Angelique”. What does that mean?

Answer: The T/T Angelique means “Tender To” Angelique. A “tender” is a type of small dingy or launch that is used to transfer equipment or personnel to and from a larger vessel. Now you know!