Friday, June 10, 2011

Wildlife Cruise!

Angelique had such a great Wildlife Cruise last week! They saw some seal pups on the ledges as they sailed by, and they were very cute indeed. Then, the major sight of the cruise was at Holbrook Nature Sanctuary, when their eyes were greeted to the scene of a one-year old black bear! He was on a sand bar on the beach. How cool is that!! Holbrook Nature Sanctuary really is a little bit of Maine ... a lot of people in Maine never even get to see a black bear, but Angelique passengers did!

About a dozen bald eagles made an appearance over the four-night sail, as well as eider ducks and guillemots. It was really breezy. They didn't set the topsails for two days!

The food was excellent ... Sarah made a white bean chili with some Italian sausage in it that was to die for. And the strawberry-rhubarb pie, made with rhubarb that Lynne grew right at home in her garden, was lip-smackin' delicious! The wildlife cruise was a lot of fun, but it will be interesting to see what things the next trip brings. They have a special group on board, with a naturalist and a marine historian!

Sarah looks through the galley porthole!

This is really high up!!

Shot of the deck while under way.

Interesting sights you'll see on Angelique!

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