Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New- Notes from a Maine Windjammer

Greetings, friends! We're delighted to begin this new journey with you, as we post highlights, pictures and news from the voyages of the windjammer Angelique. Share the delight of cruising Maine's coastal waters under full sail. Join new shipmates, share the enthusiasm for the lore of Penobscot Bay, the fascinating history and legends of lighthouses, the small villages and rocky islands that dot the bay.

Today we will be found in lovely Swan's Island Harbor, enjoying the Sweet Chariot Music Festival on Swan's Island, Maine! This gem of a festival has some of New England's best folk music and performance - and you must arrive by boat! A fantastic night of music on a beautiful island at the foot of Blue Hill Bay, just a few miles southwest of Mt. Desert.

It's sunny and 76 today with clear skies, we hope to catch the start of the Perseids meteor showers- the peak will be Sunday August 12, but with our dark, clear clear skies we should be able to see the start of the show soon.

Watch (or subscribe to!) this blog for more updates from the Angelique, and warm wishes to all!